How do I report an outage or problem with my service?
Call us at 864-852-2224 to report any problem. The number is available 24 hours a day.
How do I apply for new service and what are the requirements?
Customers are required to apply in person at our office. In addition to a paying a deposit you will be required to:
Complete a service contract
Pay an application fee of $20
Show proof of ownership or provide a rental agreement, lease agreement, or rent receipt
Give the property address
Provide your social security card or document with social security number
Provide your driver’s license or photo identification
Give your mailing address
When will my service be turned on?
Utility deposits paid between 9am and 12pm are cut on by 5:00pm that day. Utility deposits paid after 12:00pm are installed at the availability of meter installer until 4:30pm that day. Any meter that cannot be installed that working day will be installed the next working day.
How do I terminate services and close my account?
We must receive written notification to close an account. Please come to our office to sign a service order for termination of services. Or if you prefer, you can fax, mail, or email written notification to close an account. It must include the account number, service address, forwarding address, and date you want the utilities disconnected. If you choose one of these methods, please call the office to confirm we received your written documentation. YOU are responsible for all utilities used at the service location until we receive written permission to close the account.
When is the bill due?
Payment is due by the 10th of every month. If the 10th falls on a weekend or holiday, then payments made in the office must completed the last business day before the 10th. Payments can be made on weekends or holidays via the drop box.
What is a basic facilities charge?
A basic facilities charge covers the cost of your service, regardless of usage. It covers items like metering, billing, customer service, and other vital components of our operations that must continue, no matter how much of our services you use.
Does my bill go up in December or January to pay for the town’s Christmas lights?
No. You are only billed for electricity that goes through your meter box to your residence or place of business. There are no costs added to the bills to pay for Christmas lights. Many people notice a change in their bills this time of year due to changes in the weather and their general usage.
Why does my bill vary from month to month?
Your bill varies from month to month for a few reasons. The first reason your bill varies is due to the seasons. Summer heat generally increases the usage of air conditioners and water. Colder months usually see an increase due to heating requirements, longer nights, and the longer usage of lighting.
Another reason you bill varies is the number of days between meter readings. (which is indicated on your bill). We try to keep the billing period as close as we can to 30 days; however, holidays and weekends come into play occasionally resulting in a longer time frame.
Other things that can affect your bill are extreme weather, leaks, malfunctioning appliances, as well as problems with your HVAC unit or water heater.
Why is my neighbor’s bill lower or higher than mine?
When comparing your CPW utility bill with that of a neighbor, friend or relative, keep in mind a couple of important factors. First, make sure to compare apples to apples. MCPW’s bill can include electric, water, sewer, and sanitation. Customers of other utilities may receive separate power, water and sewer bills depending on where they live. When comparing, be sure you are using the combination of all the utilities they have that are on your bill from CPW.
Two other factors to consider are insulation and efficiency. These can be greatly influenced by the age of the home or age of appliances. Additionally, personal preference on items such as the thermostat setting can have a dramatic effect on your power bill. MCPW recommends looking for way to improve insulation and efficiency for winter as well as summer energy usage.
What should I do if I have a concern about my water?
Our water treatment plant is staffed 365 days a year. If you have a question or concern regarding your water, please call us at 864-852-2224.
How do I check for water leaks?
If you suspect there is a leak somewhere in your plumbing, try these easy steps to locate it.
Observe your meter.
Read the water meter, noting the position that records individual gallons.
Wait at least 15 minutes without using water.
Look at the meter again to see if it has moved. If it did not, there are probably not any leaks.
If the meter moved, check all of your faucets for visible leaks.
Check the toilet for leaks.
Add a few drops of food coloring to the water in the tank.
Do not flush.
Wait a minimum of one hour to see if the colored water appears in the toilet bowl. If it does appear, there is a leak.
Repairing the leak is normally inexpensive and easy to do. Replacement part kits are available at most hardware stores.
If there do not appear to be any leaks inside your home, check for underground leaks.
Turn off the water at the house cut off valve.
Open a faucet to verify that the valve is working. The water flow should stop completely.
Go outside to the meter – if the meter is still running, there is a leak somewhere in your plumbing between the meter and the house.
After making repairs repeat the meter reading procedure to verify that the leak has been properly repaired.
If there is a water leak, who is responsible?
MCPW is responsible for the repair and maintenance of the water main lines and the service line from our main line to the water meter located on your property. The service line that brings water into your home or business from the meter is the customer’s responsibility. If you see water on the pavement or in the road, please contact us at 864-852-2224.
Why would my water pressure be unusually low?
If the problem has occurred suddenly, there may be a break in your plumbing. Check each faucet in your house to see if it is just one faucet or all of them. If all of the faucets are affected, there could be a break in main line nearby or it could just be unusually high demand on the entire water system.
Check with your neighbors to see if they are experiencing a similar problem. If the answer is yes, call MCPW. If they are not experiencing the same problem, check for signs of a leak at your residence or business.
Why does MCPW flush the water lines?
Water lines may be flushed for several reasons.
Flushing keeps water fresh in low flow or dead-end areas
Flushing restores chlorine that may have been lost
Flushing is sometimes done in response to customer complaints.
Why does the water system use chlorine?
All systems receiving water from a surface source such as a lake are required by federal law to disinfect their water. Chlorine is a disinfectant that is very effective at killing harmful bacteria that could potentially be present in the water.
Where does MCPW get its power?
MCPW currently receives the majority of its power from SCE&G. However, it also receives a small amount of power from an entitlement through the Southeastern Power Administration (SEPA).
During an outage, why can’t a representative tell me when my power will be restored?
While we would love to be able to tell customers exactly when they can expect service to be restored, it simply is not possible. Each outage presents its own set of unique circumstances making it difficult to predict the exact length of time needed for each repair. MCPW would like all of its customers to know that we strive to minimize the length of interruption to any service.
Is MCPW responsible if an electrical outage causes damage to my appliances?
The customer is responsible for any damages to appliances unless the damages are caused by negligence on the part of MCPW. If damage is caused by an act of nature such as lightning, wind, storms, animals, etc., McCormick Commission of Public Works is not responsible. Please check with your insurance company to see if your policy covers these types of damages.
If you believe a negligent act by MCPW caused damage to your property, please call us at 864-852-2224. It should be noted that submittal of a claim is not a guarantee of payment.
If there is an issue with my electric service, who is responsible for the repair?
MCPW is responsible for the main circuits and the service line up to the point that it reaches the base of the meter. After that point, any issues are the responsibility of the property owner.
Does MCPW accept septic tank waste or RV waste?
McCormick Commission of Public Works does not accept septic tank or RV waste.
What can't I flush?
Only feces, urine, and toilet paper should be flushed down the toilet. Other drains should only be used to dispose of used water and soaps from washing or cleaning activities. Flushing other items will cause either your lines at home or the main collection lines to back up.
For more information, click on the following external link Down The Drain.
If I have a sewer problem, who is responsible?
MCPW is responsible for the repair and maintenance of the sewer main lines. We are only responsible for the service line up to the edge of the right of way (generally near the edge of the pavement or ditch). After that it becomes the responsibility of the property owner. If you suspect you have a blockage of your line, please contact us at 864-852-2224.
Who do I call regarding trash pickup?
Please call McCormick Town Hall at 864-852-2225. MCPW bills this service for the town but does not perform the actual service.